Groundbreaking ceremony heralds the start of the EMCS Cable project in Kiribati

TARAWA, KIRIBATI (30 May 2024) The Kiribati Ministry of Information, Communication and Transport held a groundbreaking ceremony to officially launch the commencement of civil works associated with the landing of the East Micronesia Cable in Tarawa.
The historic event was witnessed by His Excellency The President of the Republic of Kiribati Mr. Taneti Mamau where the Minister for Information, Communication, Transport, and Tourism Development Mr. Tekeeua Tarati delivered the keynote address, marking the historic event. Ms Karen Bray, Australian High Commissioner to the Republic of Kiribati also delivered a speech on behalf of funding partners Australia, Japan and the United States of America.
The East Micronesia Cable Project supported by development partners, the Governments of Australia, Japan, and the United States, is being implemented by BwebwerikiNET Limited (BNL) the Kiribati Landing Party is on schedule for completion by December 2025. It will connect Tarawa, Kiribati to Pohnpei, FSM with branches to Nauru and Kosrae in FSM with an onward connection to Guam through the existing Hantru-1 cable.
Kiritimati government official quote “The significance of this project cannot be overstated. The cable landing station will serve as a vital gateway, connecting us to the world and enabling the seamless exchange of information and ideas across continents, especially between our scattered islands. In an era where connectivity is paramount, this facility will play a crucial role in driving innovation, economic growth, and collaboration all in line with the Government’s development plan and our Kiribati vision for 20 years”” said Honorable Minister Tarati.