BwebwerikiNET Limited (BNL)

Grievance Redress Mechanism

There is a possibility of complaints arising from design, procurement, construction, cable installation or operational impacts from activities associated with the East Micronesia Cable project, including complaints related to equal opportunity, discrimination, fairness and corruption. 

Should such situations and/or issues arise, affected parties can resolve such issues in an efficient, unbiased, transparent, confidential manner through the project’s Grievance Redress Mechanism. The primary objective of the Grievance Redress Mechanism is to allow those who believe they are impacted by the East Micronesia Cable project to express concerns/issues and seek satisfactory resolution to grievances they may have relating to Project activities. The Mechanism aims to resolve complaints and/or grievances on terms that are mutually acceptable to all parties.

Grievance Redress Process

If an Aggrieved Person is not satisfied with, or has a complaint about, an aspect of the Project they have the right to lodge a grievance. The Process is set out below:

  • Step 1: The Aggrieved Person may take their grievance in person, by phone, text message, mail, website or email (including anonymously if required) to the Project Coordination Unit’s Country Focal Point, Contractor, or the Project Manager’s Implementing Agency in-country.

    Relevant information is recorded – for example, through a grievance form, maps, notes of meetings, photos.

    All grievances are forwarded to the Country Focal Point for screening and record keeping. 

  • Step 2: Upon receipt of the grievance the Country Focal Point checks the grievance to assess whether it is related to the East Micronesia Cable, including environmental and social issues. 

    Non-eligible grievances – those issues not related to the Project - are referred to the relevant agency in-country to follow up, as appropriate.

  • Step 3: The Country Focal Point will endeavour to resolve any complaint/issue immediately.

    If satisfactorily resolved, the issue and resultant resolution/corrective action will be logged and reported to the Lead Project Manager in the Project Coordination Unit, with copies provided to the Project Manager in the Implementing Agency in-country and the Environmental and Social Safeguards Advisor.  

  • Step 4: If the Aggrieved Person is not satisfied, the Country Focal Point will refer the Person to the Lead Project Manager in the Project Coordination Unit, the Project Manager in the Implementing Agency and the Environmental and Social Safeguards Advisor to address and resolve the complaint.

    The proposed corrective action is to be reported back to the Aggrieved Person for agreement.

  • Step 5: If the matter remains unresolved, or the Aggrieved Person is not satisfied with the outcome, the Lead Project Manager in the Project Coordination Unit refers the matter to the East Micronesia Cable’s Management Committee for a resolution. The Lead Project Manager will log details of the issue/s and resultant resolution status, and provide copies to the Project Manager in the Implementing Agency and the Environmental and Social Safeguards Advisor.

  • Step 6: Once the agreed corrective actions are implemented, the Lead Project Manager in the Project Coordination Unit notifies the Aggrieved Person of the result in writing.

  • Step 7: If it remains unresolved or the Aggrieved Person is not satisfied with the outcome proposed by the Management Committee, the Aggrieved Person may refer the matter to the appropriate legal or judicial authority. A decision of the Court will be final.


Project Issues Grievance Key Contacts:

PCU Country Focal Point (Kiribati)


PCU Country Focal Point (FSM)


PCU Country Focal Point (Nauru)
